Rhaglen ariannu
Dewis rhaglen
2014 Communities
Active England
Active Futures
Active Lifestyle
Activities for Young People
Advice Plus
Advice Services Fund
Advice Services Transition Fund
Arian i Bawb y Loteri Genedlaethol Cymru
Basic Online Skills
Becoming a Survivor
Better By Design
Better Off
BIG Innovation
BIG Local
Big Society Investment Fund
Blaenau Gwent Grant Programme
Bright New Futures
Building a Legacy
Building Change Trust
Building Communities
Building Neighbourhood Nurseries
Building Quality Childcare
Camau Cynaliadwy Cymru - Cymorth Mentora
Camau Cynaliadwy Cymru - Grantiau Gweithredu
Camau Cynaliadwy Cymru – Grantiau Egin
Camau Cynaliadwy Cymru – Gyrfaoedd Gwyrdd
Camau Cynaliadwy Cymru: Gyrfaoedd Gwyrdd - Canllawiau cerbyd
Cancer Care Northern Ireland
Cancer Care Scotland
Cancer Care Wales
Cancer Equipment
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Caru'n Cynefin
Cefnogi syniadau gwych
Celebrate England
Changing Futures
Changing Spaces: Community Sustainable Energy Programme
Children’s Play
Commissioning Better Outcomes and Social Outcomes Fund
Communities and Families Fund
Communities Living Sustainably
Community Access to Lifelong Learning
Community Asset Transfer
Community Asset Transfer 2
Community Buildings
Community Libraries
Community Spaces Scotland
Community Voice
Community Wildlife
Coronary Heart Disease / Cancer / Stroke for Wales
Coronary Heart Disease Stroke Cancer NI
Coronary Heart Disease Stroke Cancer Scotland
Create your Space
Cronfa Gweithredu Hinsawdd
Cronfa Gweithredu Hinsawdd - Ein Dyfodol Ni
Cronfa Gweithredu Hinsawdd - rownd 1
Cronfa Gweithredu Hinsawdd - rownd 2
Cronfa Gweithredu Hinsawdd - Ynni a Hinsawdd
Cronfa'r Deyrnas Unedig
Culture for All Northern Ireland
Delivering Financial Inclusion
Digital Fund
Dyfarniadau o Bortffolio’r DU
Dynamic Inclusive Communities
Early Action System Change
Energy Efficient Venues
England Living with Cancer
Fair Share Trust
Family Learning
Five a day Local Communities initiatives
Football Foundation
Forces in Mind
Funding Facilitators Scotland
Funding Facilitators Wales
Getting Ahead
Getting Ahead Round 2
Grab a Grant
Great Ideas
Green Spaces and Sustainable Communities
Gyda'n Gilydd ar gyfer Ein Planed
Healthy Families: Child's Play
Healthy Families: Way of Life
Healthy Living Centres
Healthy Minds Northern Ireland
Heart Failure Support Networks
Helping Working Families
Heroes Return
Home Front Recall
ICT Training for Public Library Staff
ICT Training for Teachers and School Librarians
Impact of Alcohol
Improving Community Buildings
Improving Financial Confidence
Improving Futures
In Good Hands
Integrated Children's Centres
International Small Grants
International Strategic
Investing in Communities: Growing Community Assets
Investing in Communities: Life Transitions
Investing in Communities: Supporting 21st Century Life
Investing in Ideas
JESSICA (Scotland) Trust
Keeping the Spirit of 2012 Alive
Leaders with Lived Experience 2020
Leaders with Lived Experience Pilot Programme
Life Skills Project
Live and Learn
Living Landmarks
Living Places and Spaces
Local Papers
Local Sustainability Fund
Meddwl Ymlaen
Meddwl Ymlaen
Mental Health Matters
Mentro Allan
Mewn Undod Mae Nerth
Millennium Now
National Defribillator Programme
National Lottery COVID-19 Fund – up to £10,000
New Opportunities for Health Diagnostic Equipment
New Opportunities for PE and Sport
New Opportunities for PE and Sport Activities Programme
New Opportunities for Quality Childcare
Next Steps
Other National Lottery Funders
Our Bright Future
Out of School Hours Childcare
Out of School Hours Learning
Out of School Hours Learning - School Sports Co-ordinators
Out of School Hours Learning Summer Schools
Palliative Care for Adults
Palliative Care for Children
Palliative Care Northern Ireland
Palliative Care Scotland
Palliative Care Wales
Parks for People
Pawb a'i Le: grantiau canolig
Pawb a'i Le: grantiau mawr
People and Places
People and Places: Addressing the economic downturn
Playful Ideas
Positive Activities for Young People
Prosiectau’r Bobl
Reaching Communities Buildings
Reaching Communities Northern Ireland
Reaching Out: Connecting Older People
Reaching Out: Empowering Young People
Reaching Out: Supporting Families
Realising Ambition
Rebuilding communities in Nepal
Rebuilding Lives and Livelihoods in the Philippines
Renewable Energy
Research programme
Responding to the increased cost-of-living pressures in Scotland
Rethink Good Health
Rethinking Parks
Rural Programme
Rural Programme Community Development Support
Rural Programme: Community Grants
Safe and Well
School Fruit Pilots
Scottish Land Fund (2001)
Social Incubator Fund
Space and Place
Spaces for Sport and Arts
Stepping Stones
Support and Connect
Sustainable Steps
Taclo Digartrefedd - Gwledig
The Emerging Futures Fund
The New Infrastructure Programme
The People's 50 Million
The People's Millions
The Secret Millionaire Fund
The Silver Dreams Fund
The Welsh Government Coastal Communities Fund
Their Past Your Future
Third Sector Early Intervention Fund
Transforming Local Infrastructure
Transforming Waste England
Transforming Waste Northern Ireland
Transforming Waste Scotland
Transforming Waste Wales
Transforming Your Space Northern Ireland
Transforming Your Space Scotland
Transforming Your Space Wales
Transition Fund
Tudalen we Camau Cynaliadwy Cymru Gyrfaoedd Gwyrdd – Traciwch gynnydd eich prosiect
Tyfu Syniadau Gwych
UK Homeshare Pilot
Village SOS
Women and girls initiative
Y Gronfa Jiwbilî Platinwm
Young People's Fund 2: Local Grants
Young People's Fund: Bridging the Gap
Young People's Fund: Change UR Future
Young People's Fund: Grants to individuals
Young People's Fund: Grants to National Organisations
Young People's Fund: Make it Happen
Young People's Fund: Reaching Out
Young People's Fund: Scotland
Young People's Fund: The Big Deal
Young People’s Fund 2: National Grants
Youth in Focus
Youth Investment Fund
Dewis rhanbarth
De-ddwyrain Lloegr
De-orllewin Lloegr
Deyrnas Unedig
Dwyrain Canolbarth Lloegr
Dwyrain Lloegr
Gogledd Iwerddon
Gogledd-ddwyrain Lloegr
Gogledd-orllewin Lloegr
Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr
Swydd Efrog a Hymbr
Yr Alban
Math o ddogfen