The Healthy Communities Together programme is now in delivery but closed to new applicants
We're no longer accepting applications for this fund – see more information on the successful partnerships
Healthy Communities Together (HCT) comprises a £3 million investment from The National Lottery Community Fund and up to £850k worth of leadership development and learning support from The King’s Fund to place-based partnerships.
The programme aims to:
- support local areas to develop effective and sustainable partnership working between the Voluntary and Community Sector, the National Health Service and local authorities to improve the health and wellbeing of local communities
- as well as providing grant funding, the programme is supporting the development of relationships between partners, identifying and agreeing how best to work together, to ensure the involvement of organisations working across communities, and create a plan of activities.
Launched in January 2020, the programme consists of two phases. Phase 1 (started in early 2021) where six areas received £50,000 funding for up to nine months from The National Lottery Community Fund to develop their partnerships and project plans and, a package of dedicated learning and development support from The King’s Fund.
At the end of this phase, each site was invited to apply for phase 2 of the programme for further funding and support. The five successful partnerships received up to £450,000 of grant funding, as well as ongoing learning and development support from The King’s Fund, over a further three years.
Health Equalities Grantees
During the initial application process for the Healthy Communities Together programme, The National Lottery Community Fund received a large number of applications and realised how important and timely this work was as a result of:
- deep health inequalities exposed by the pandemic
- an increase in joint, cross-sector working necessitated by COVID-19 with many making significant progress with new relationships and conversations taking place across systems and partnerships forming
- the increased value of the VCS with its extensive reach into communities and large volunteer base being seen as part of the recovery response and solution
- changes in the health system (e.g. move to Integrated Care Systems, social prescribing) benefiting from cross partnership working.
As a result, The National Lottery Community Fund decided to provide grant funding and support to an additional 14 place-based partnerships with a focus on addressing health inequalities. This second cohort, known as the Health Equalities Grantees, received £50,000 development funding for phase 1 of the programme.
Following completion of the development phase, twelve partnerships were successful and received up to £450,000 of grant funding. To support this cohort, Innovation Unit was successfully commissioned to provide Learning and Support to partnerships. The National Lottery Community Fund and the Innovation Unit have been working together to:
- support the organisations and grant holders who are looking to address health inequalities in their local areas
- connect and convene the Health Equality partnerships to generate and share learning
- communicate this learning to wider audience.