Research on the reach and impact of our funding

Connect 4 Women

In spring 2021 we commissioned IFF Research to carry out independent research about the reach and impact of grants made by The National Lottery Community Fund.

The research took place in May and June 2021, with grant holders that had grants ending between January 2019 and June 2020. It involved a survey with a representative sample of 5,246 grant holders and 14 in depth qualitative case studies, which included interviews with staff, volunteers and beneficiaries.

The survey results were extrapolated to typical funding in the last five years. This showed that in a typical year our grant holders reached a total of 5.2 million beneficiaries over the course of their grant, and 1.8 million beneficiaries per month used places and spaces that had been supported via our grants.

As a result of this, a wide range of positive outcomes for beneficiaries were reported by our grantholders:

  • 78% reported that people’s mental health and wellbeing improved.
  • 77% reported people had more social contact.
  • 72% reported people’s confidence, self-esteem and resilience improved.

In addition, a range of community outcomes were reported:

  • 66% reported people had opportunities to mix with others who are different to them.
  • 60% reported more opportunities for people to engage in their community.
  • 42% reported that people expressed more local pride and belonging.

To find out more read the full report: Findings From Research with Grant Holders.

You can also read case studies from 14 grant holders across the UK:

Last updated: Monday 29 November, 2021