What we usually like to know in a progress update


You're welcome to use the following headings and questions to tell us how your project's going (if you like). But you don't have to answer every question under each subheading - they're just ideas for what you might like to cover.

The story of your project this year

What has the funding helped you to do? Tell us in your own words, or the words of the people you support.

How you’ve involved people from your community in the work you do

How have they changed the way you work? How have you joined up with what others are doing locally? How are you making the most of the strengths of your community?

The differences you’re making (both big and small)

How has your project helped people and your community? And how do you know it’s helped?

Make sure the information you collect is from lots of different voices in your community (so, the people you support, staff and volunteers). And tell us about the differences you’re making with numbers and stories.

We also know that the difference you planned to make at the start of your project might change. That’s absolutely okay – we like to hear about changes too.

What you’ve learned

What’s gone well? What’s not gone well or been challenging? What’s been unexpected or interesting? What have you learned that would be useful to others? What did you think of trying but didn’t?

These could be things you’ve learned about:

  • the way you work
  • the way you support people and your community
  • the way you work with others
  • your context or community.

Make sure to speak to lots of different people (colleagues, volunteers, community members, partner organisations) to see what they think as well.

For more help with this, read the step-by-step guide to gathering learning that’s useful to you.

How you’re changing what you do

Have you made any changes based on your experiences and what you’ve learned? What are your plans for the coming year - and beyond? How will your plans help your community to thrive? And is there any support you need to do this?

What you’ve spent this year

We don't need to know everything you spent money on. We just need to know:

  • how much you budgeted for
  • how much you ended up spending
  • the difference between your budget and how much you spent.

For both revenue and capital costs.

An example of the kind of information we need from you

If it's easier for you, send us an updated version of the budget you sent to us when you first applied.

Once you’ve worked out what you’ve spent the funding on

Have a think about any changes you’d like to make to the budget you agreed with us at the start of your project. Speak to your funding officer about any changes.

If it’s your last progress update with us

If this is the end of your funding, think about:

  • If you have any thoughts about the overall project. For example, did you learn anything new about the work you’re doing, or about your community, that was unexpected or interesting?
  • Any other evidence or learning – like an evaluation or a piece of research - that you haven't already shared with us.
  • If you’ve not spent all of the funding we gave you – please speak to your funding officer and they’ll let you know what to do with it.